Wade Alliance

Leadership Consulting with a DEI lens

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Workshops can kick-start your leadership efforts. The Wade Alliance can assist your organization in starting conversations and addressing issues that are critical to your mission and vision.

The following workshop titles and objectives may be useful in addressing your strategic goal of improving inclusivity through a trauma-informed lens. I look forward to our future discussions.

1.     Managing Conflicts

a.     Applying different approaches to conflicts

b.     Acknowledging power dynamic

c.     Distinguishing safety from discomfort

2.     Inclusive Leadership

a.     Applying the 6 Cs (Commitment, Cognizance of Bias, Curiosity, Cultural Intelligence, Collaboration, Courage)

b.     Using tools to be more inclusive

c.     Adjusting communication styles

3.     Intersecting bias

a.     Recognizing bias

b.     Disrupting bias

c.     Bias prevention techniques

4.     Building an Inclusive Culture

a.     Implementing daily practices

b.     Seeking improvement not completion

c.     Role of feedback

5.     Equity versus equality

a.     Seeing needs differently

b.     Addressing hidden trauma

c.     Measuring outcomes with an equity perspective

6.     Zero Sum mentality

a.     How believing “us versus them” hurts everyone

b.     Expanding the circle of trust

c.     Creating unlearning experiences

7.     Changing bias with mindfulness

a.     Accepting bias

b.     Not relying on willpower

c.     Using mindfulness to change perspectives

8.     Empathy and communication

a.     Curiosity’s role in communication

b.     Acknowledging intersectionality

c.     Non-verbal communication skills

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